javascript weekly 2020-07-18

Super Expressive: Build Regexes in (Almost) Natural Language

Super Expressive: Build Regexes in (Almost) Natural Language

  • 자연어와 같은 형태로 코드를 전개하면, 정규식으로 만들어주는 라이브러리
const SuperExpressive = require('super-expressive');

const myRegex = SuperExpressive()
      .range('A', 'F')
      .range('a', 'f')
      .range('0', '9')

// Produces the following regular expression:

Apollo Client 3.0 Released: The Full Featured GraphQL Client

Apollo Client 3.0 Released: The Full Featured GraphQL Client

  • A single, consolidated @apollo/client package
  • New InMemoryCache APIs
  • Improved local state management
  • Expanded and refined UI reactivity
  • Extensive internal refactoring

Quick bytes 스폰서쉽이후 hapi의 부활

Generating UUIDs at Scale on the Web

Generating UUIDs at Scale on the Web

  • uuid란 무엇인가
  • 웹 브라우저에서 uuid4 사용후기

Code & Tools

React Native 0.63 Released

React Native 0.63 Released

  • 리액트 네이티브 0.63 릴리즈

dequal: A Tiny (305B) Utility for Check for Deep Equality

dequal: A Tiny (305B) Utility for Check for Deep Equality

  • 작고 매우 빠른 깊은 비교