javascript weekly 2020-08-01

I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences. [2020 Edition]

I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences. [2020 Edition] React hooks vs Vue3 + Composition API 똑같은 앱 만들어서 비교하기

Speculation in JavaScriptCore

Speculation in JavaScriptCore

  • 애플의 자바스크립트코어 엔진의 컴파일에 대하여
  • 추론적 컴파일과 동적 언어를 빠르게 만드는 방법

Next.js 9.5 Released

Next.js 9.5 Released

  • incremental static regeneration, custom base paths, rewrites and redirects, webpack 5 support + @

tinykeys: A Tiny, Modern Library for Keybindings

tinykeys: A Tiny, Modern Library for Keybindings

  • 400바이트의 가벼운 키 바인딩 라이브러리

Natively Formatting JavaScript Dates and Times

Natively Formatting JavaScript Dates and Times

  • Date.prototype.toLocaleDateString() 를 이용한 date lib 대체.
  • 일종의 치트시트

My Favorite JavaScript Tips and Tricks

My Favorite JavaScript Tips and Tricks

  • 인풋의 value는 스트링. 이걸로 받으면 number로 받아짐
  • URLSearchParams
    let project = new URLSearchParams('project');

Code & Tools

Ink 3: Build JavaScript-Powered CLI Apps with React

Ink 3: Build JavaScript-Powered CLI Apps with React

  • 리액트로 터미널 UI 만들어주는 라이브러리