javascript weekly 2020-08-22

TypeScript 4.0 Released

TypeScript 4.0 Released

  • variadic tuple types
  • editor and editor integration improvements
  • labeled tuple elements
  • short circuiting assignment operators (e.g. a ||= b)

Metaprogramming with Proxies

Metaprogramming with Proxies

  • deep js 저자가 공개한 프록시를 통한 메타프로그래밍

npm v7 Now in Beta

npm v7 Now in Beta

  • npm 7 beta 릴리즈

ts-migrate: A Tool for Migrating to TypeScript at Scale

ts-migrate: A Tool for Migrating to TypeScript at Scale

  • 에어비앤비에서 ts 마이그레이션하다가 도구를 만들어냄.
  • 빠르게 ts로 마이그레이션할 수 있는 도구 및 관련도구들 소개

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