javascript weekly 2020-11-21

TypeScript 4.1 Released

TypeScript 4.1 Released

  • Template Literal Types
    • 타입 선언을 템플릿 리터럴처럼 사용할 수 있게 해줍니다.
    type Color = "red" | "blue";
    type Quantity = "one" | "two";
    type SeussFish = `${Quantity | Color} fish`;
    // same as
    //   type SeussFish = "one fish" | "two fish"
    //                  | "red fish" | "blue fish";
  • Key Remapping in Mapped Types
  • Recursive Conditional Types
  • Checked Indexed Accesses
  • paths without baseUrl
  • checkJs Implies allowJs
  • React 17 JSX Factories
  • Editor Support for the JSDoc @see Tag
  • Conditional Spreads Create Optional Properties

A Tale of Going from JavaScript to WebAssembly

A Tale of Going from JavaScript to WebAssembly

  • WASM으로 마이그레이션한 포스트
  • EMSCription
  • AssemblyScript
  • AssemblyScript + WebGL
  • IE에 대한 폴리필

Prettier 2.2 Released

Prettier 2.2 Released

Electron 11 Released with Experimental Apple Silicon Support

Electron 11 Released with Experimental Apple Silicon Support

  • 크롬87 종속성 업데이트
  • new experimental apple silicon

Tutorials 리액트 보안사항

A Super Simple Start to Firebase Functions

A Super Simple Start to Firebase Functions

  • 파이어 베이스를 사용하여 서버 구축하기

Code & Tools

jose: Universal ‘JSON Web Almost Everything’

jose: Universal ‘JSON Web Almost Everything’

  • JSON Web 이 너무 많기 때문에 유니버설 제작